Tuesday, March 12, 2013

No, the majority is often wrong

I’ve been hearing quite a blurbs in the media which lean favorably towards the majority. I was listening to the news recently, in regards the the election of the new Pope. The news Reporter brought up some statistics which pointed out that America was moving swiftly away from traditional ideas and thoughts into something entirely different. Something which seemed more modern. Then as a saving grace to all our political problems, the Reporter exclaimed that our political parties should take heed and use this to their advantage. In other words, if they want to succeed then they better be the first ones to champion what the majority is calling for. In other words, stop fighting the resistance of the river of ideas and just go with the flow. The problem is, this sort of attitude has gotten us nowhere in the past. Actually, this take on leadership will often lead to destruction. Alright, so let’s take a brief look at biblical history, in times when the majority was wrong.

Let us first look at the tower of Babel. In this episode of Genesis chapter 11, we have a great majority of people who decided that they were going to build a tower to reach the heavens. One that would establish their name throughout the earth. The Lord came to survey the work they were doing and realized that pride of these people are great. If they unite in evil, nothing will be impossible for them. We saw the same thing happened in the glory of the Roman Empire. Men sought to simply build a kingdom for self glorification. As a result, the entire kingdom imploded under the mass immorality and corruption which came as a result. I guess the old saying stands true. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. In order to save the human race, God had to confuse the language of the people of Babel and scatter them throughout the earth.

When self-aggrandizement is the aim, then the unity of the people will only breed destruction.

The people of Israel moaned and groaned against Moses when he sought to free them from captivity. Then even when they did get free, they faced some hard times in the desert and still complained. The real kicker came when they were finally outside of the land that God promised them. The spies went in and surveyed the land. Then a real revelation came in the response of the doubting spies. They said and I paraphrase: compared to the men of Canaan, we are like grasshoppers.” First and foremost, they saw themselves in a light which was completely untrue. They saw themselves in light of being without God. If only they trusted in God, then they would have realized that the most powerful being in the entire universe was actually on their side. There is no reason to doubt.

There can be no success, if the people view themselves as less than what God made and called them to be.

The citizens of any kingdom/country need their leaders to be wise in their decision making. It would be unfair to lean towards any one faction or the personal ideas of a group of people, while ignoring the ideas of others; lest you ostracize your own. On the other hand, a leader is expected to lead justly and in truth. They are expected to take into consideration the wants and needs of every man and from the position they have been given, make the best decisions for the people. Above all, a leader should trust his heart to God. Allow the truth of God’s word to dictate the direction of his life, then everything else will fall into place.

A heart filled with the truth of the Most High (the Ultimate King and leader of the universe), will succeed, irrespective of the human mistakes that might plague his administration.

Let me know what you think, leave a comment and subscribe.

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and Facebook: facebook.com/trevauhn

Monday, March 11, 2013

100% Love

In what you consider your most intimate relationship, can you honestly say that you loved your spouse 100%. Did you love fully with no reserve, giving him/her your everything. And when you consider all that you are, body, soul, spirit; did you work physically? Did you nourish the essence of her soul? Did you uplift his spirit? Have you ever poured your all into loving someone? What about the people around? What about your friends and family? Have you devoted your all to loving them for all you're worth? In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul has the audacity to say that you have nothing if you don't love. You have nothing if you haven’t given yourself 100%.

The way the bible approaches love might seem strange to the way we perceive it in our current culture. You always hear people say that they are "in love." That phrase has been tossed around so much that I believe it means very little these days. Now being in love simply describes the feeling of elation from the infatuation we feel around a potential spouse. So much than ever before we are falling in love and consequently falling out of love.

Jesus never spoke of love in terms of a feeling. In the book of Mark 12:30-31 Jesus commands us to do something that would generally not fly in our world today. He commands us to love. Now if we are simply under the notion that one can only fall in love, then this command would seem totally unreasonable. Because what if the other person hurt you? What if that person cheats on you or abuses your love? Yet the paradox still remains, without this kind of 100% love you have nothing. Your wisdom means nothing. Your money means nothing. All your other efforts fall apart with this %100 love.

Take a minute to really consider this. What greater meaning is there to life than to do as Jesus commanded; love the Lord your God with your entire being and to love your neighbor %100 as you love yourself.

To be continued

In the mean time enjoy these other links and subscribe to this blog.

My Website: TrevauhnGrant.com
My Blogs: trevauhn.blogspot.com | beforetheking.blogspot.com
Follow Me On Twitter: @TVauhn
and Facebook: facebook.com/trevauhn

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Biggest Gift

Salvation, the most amazing gift deserves your greatest praise and thanksgiving to God.

Salvation is this amazing gift from God, made available to all men. God could have sent an angel to die on the cross and ransom us from our sins and that would have been enough. But in order to show his love for us, he sent his own Son. In order to show his heart and desire for us, he paid the highest price he could have, which is literally giving himself. God has showed us this absolutely insane love by loving us even before we loved him. He sacrificed himself even though he knew many would reject him. I am convinced that he would have made the same sacrifice even if it meant saving only one person.

When Jesus died on the cross, he did not die to save those who are good.

He died to save those who have been estranged from God. Yes I know, you’ve done a lot of good in your life. You’ve helped others when you could, you don’t lie, and neither do you mistreat or cheat others, but do you think that puts you in the good favors of God. Your own efforts does not put you in God’s good book. If that was the case, Jesus did not need to die. The truth is, only perfection is allowed into God’s presence. The prophet Isaiah stepped into the presence of God and bit the dust. He saw God’s perfection and cried out, “I am a man of unclean lips.” When you see perfection, there is nothing in us that compares. And that is why God sent his perfect Son. His death allows us to walk in the grace of God as though we were perfect.

This amazing gift of Salvation gives us access to the throne room of God.

And though we’re not perfect, we can boldly approach the throne of God has though we are the sons of God. Actually the Apostle Paul says it this way, the Spirit of God in our lives bears witness with our spirit, making us sons of God. It was God’s pleasure to adopt us into his family. It is his pleasure to draw us close and make us sons.

My friends, rejoice and thank God in prayer and songs of thanksgiving. Let your life be a bold statement of thanksgiving for what God has done.

I Love You Lord because you loved me first.

Visit My Website: www.trevauhngrant.com

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Is Belief in the Supernatural Irrational? Dr John Lennox

This is a one and a half hour long lecture and Q&A with Dr John Lennox at the University of Harvard. There is one portion of this that stands out to me most. In the Q&A session John answers the question, “what is the difference between Christianity and the other major religions of the world.” His answer was quite insightful.

Read More: Is Belief In The Supernatural Irrational?

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Israel And Iran: A Love Story?


I have been deeply touched by this story. I hope you all feel the same way too. Please leave a comment and subscribe!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The scars remain
though he is alive
even though he is not dead
the scars remain
as a testimony to the torture he bore
as a reminder of the fight he fought
the scars remain
because he was a defender of good
because he was a prophet of truth
the scars remain
he knows our suffering
and can identify with our griefs
and so the scars remain
he is now glorified
he sits at God's right hand
but still the scars remain
and though you have had pain
and now possess scars
life is not over, you will live as he lived if you live in him

Friday, December 14, 2012

shooting a elementary school

Our hearts and prayers go out to the family of the victims of this horrific crime. The shooting of children is by far evidence of the great evil which exists in this world. An evil which bears no conscience and only fear. Oh Lord give us strength in this time.

Twenty children died today when a heavily armed man invaded a Newtown, Conn., elementary school, killing his mother and spraying the school with bullets.

The gunman, identified as Adam Lanza, 20, was killed inside of the school.

Lt. Paul Vance said 18 children died in the school and two more died later in a hospital. Six adults were also slain, bringing the total to 26.

In addition to the casualties at the school, a body was also found in the shooter's home, officials said.

In the early confusion surrounding the investigation, federal sources initially identified the suspect as Adam's older brother Ryan Lanza, 24.

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